拳拳(권권) : 두 손으로 받드는 모양, 삼가는 모양, 정성스러운 모양 拳(주먹 권) : 주먹, 오그려 쥔 손, 정성껏 지키는 모양, 주먹을 쥐다, 힘쓰다 服膺(복응) : 가슴에 품어 둠, 마음에 두어 잊지 아니함 膺(가슴 응) : 가슴, 심중, 마음, 마음에 품다, 맡다 弗(아닐 불) : 아니다, 말다, 근심하다, 어긋나다 均(고를 균) : 고르다, 가지런하다, 김매다, 두루, 널리 爵(벼슬 작) : 벼슬, 작위, 참새, 술잔 辭(말씀 사) : 말씀, 알리다, 청하다, 사양하다 刃(칼날 인) : 칼날, 칼 蹈(밟을 도) : 밟다, 구르다, 따르다
<영역> The Master said "Men all say, 'We are wise'; but being driven forward and taken in a net, a trap, or a pitfall, they know not how to escape. Men all say, 'We are wise'; but happening to choose the course of the Mean, they are not able to keep it for a round month."
The Master said "This was the manner of Hui:-he made choice of the Mean, and whenever he got hold of what was good, he clasped it firmly, as if wearing it on his breast, and did not lose it." The Master said, "The kingdom, its states, and its families, may be perfectly ruled; dignities and emoluments may be declined; naked weapons may be trampled under the feet; but the course of the Mean cannot be attained to." net 그물 trap 덫 pitfall 함정 escape 탈출하다 clasp 꽉 쥐다 firmly 단단히 as if 마치 - 처럼 dignity 위엄, 존엄 emolument 급료, 봉급 decline 감소하다 trample 밟다 attain 얻다